Hammond on Madigan verdict: “After decades of absolute power for personal gain, justice has finally been served” 

Deputy Republican Leader Norine Hammond (R-Macomb) issued the following statement in reaction to today’s guilty verdict on ten counts of bribery conspiracy, bribery, and wire fraud in the federal corruption trial of former Speaker of the House Michael J. Madigan: 

“Speaker Madigan ruled the Illinois House of Representatives with an iron fist. His reach extended from the 13th Ward in Chicago to the State Capitol in Springfield to the chair of the Democratic Party of Illinois. After a five-months-long federal trial on bribery, racketeering and corruption, federal prosecutors demonstrated what those of us who served with Madigan already knew: nearly every decision, legislative action, no-show job, and state board seat that the former Speaker involved himself in came down to one thing – how Mike Madigan could enhance his political power and enrich himself personally. After decades of absolute power for personal gain, justice has finally been served.”